Senin, 06 Desember 2010

Jeans model First Year

In the 1850s 21-year-old young man named Levi Strauss arrived in San Francisco, United States, from Bavaria, Europe, to try his luck, he did not realize that he is beginning to create a history that became America's greatest contribution to world fashion until now.
Strauss tried to sell canvas tents to mine gold diggers. That time, America is being hit by gold fever. Not interested in the offer of Strauss, the miners were brought pants instead requested. Name
Levi's was born when the miners are addicted Levi pants, look for "those pants of Levi's" (the Levi pants) made of denim. In America, said Levi's is synonymous with denim jeans.
The word jeans that are now attached to the denim comes from the lawyer-an-american Genes French word which means Genoa, the city that produces denim pants in Italy, which actually came from Nimes in France. While the term appears when Levi blue jeans denim dyeing with indigo color.

 Telah lebih seabad setelah Levi memopulerkan celana jins. Kini denim tetap digemari bahkan naik kelas karena menjadi produk perancang terkenal dunia. Bahkan denim menjadi produk para perancang yang bekerja di Paris, kota yang mengutamakan keanggunan. Tentu saja denim mengalami masa-masa jatuh-bangun sebelum dia mendapatkan posisinya seperti saat ini.

Ada masa dia identik sebagai pakaian untuk pekerja kasar yang bekerja di luar ruang, karena memang denim yang semula terbuat dari katun ini memiliki ketahanan luar biasa menghadapi lingkungan yang keras.

Secara generik, denim adalah tenunan benang katun. Semula warna benangnya hanyalah putih dan biru yang asal-usulnya berasal dari sebuah kota di Perancis: Nimes yang menjadi asal kata denim yaitu serge de Nimes.

Pada tahun 1940-an denim sebenarnya sudah diolah menjadi produk mode dalam bentuk gaun, rok, jaket, dan celana panjang. Denim kemudian mencapai puncak popularitasnya pada tahun 1970-an ketika jins diproduksi massal.

Pada era tahun 1970-an ketika Barat dilanda “endemi” hippie, jins menjadi salah satu atribut yang melekat pada mereka, menjadi simbol pemberontakan terhadap
kemapanan. Tidak jarang “para pemberontak” itu sengaja mengoyak-ngoyak celana jins mereka untuk mempertegas penolakan mereka pada kemapanan.

Those who consider themselves followers of fashion, was not interested in the jeans. Jeans and grow more as clothes for blue collar workers in America. Jeans and even then synonymous with work clothes when the cowboys herding their cattle from their horses.
Wheel rotation mode finally come to a time where ideas collected from anywhere, from any time, then assembled into a new form for people today. Mixing or eclecticism is coloring people's lives pascatahun the 1970s, but are felt in the world of fashion era of the 1990s and continue to happen until now.
Before designer denim picked from the wardrobe of the working class and make it sparkle as a product designer, the designer had already taken the style of dress of particular groups such as the punk community, the surfing community, a community pejuga gothic style, and so forth.
Resurrection of designer denim as the most striking product occurs when in the 1990's Tom Ford of Gucci fashion house lifting jeans as a fashion statement of his.

Ford, who was then a designer who was admired for his design genius managed to lift the prestige of Gucci, offers color faded denim pants that ripped in many places. Certainly not a Ford if they do not make these sparkling jeans, so he adds decorative feathers on the front bottom of his pants, menyulamkan pearl and sequin jeans are so worthy of the name Gucci.
Madonna joined mempulerkan return of jeans through her world tour earlier this year wearing cowboy theme as the theme of clothing. Similarly, famous singers such as
Britney Spears and Shakira, they were seen several times using denim in their music video clips.
Not just Ford who saw an opportunity return of jeans along with a change in mood toward a more casual style, especially among white-collar work in the field of information technology in America. Other designers were competing to redesign jeans. Versace, Roberto Cavalli, Calvin Klein, Dolce and Gabbana, and Christian Dior, just a few big names in the fashion business who try to take advantage of the return of the jeans. Even John Galliano who worked for Christian Dior fashion houses still use denim in one design couture for fall and winter 2002/2003.
Denim has survived through two times the turn of the century.

The designers Indonesia is also not immune to this development. They used denim in their designs. Starting from the duet Era Soekamto and Ichwan to their label Urban Crew aimed at those young ages, until Ronald Very Gaghana. Carmanita was wearing denim in his 2002 draft, while Christian Dior fashion house has several times issued a ready-made denim for label.
Ronald V Gaghana offers a different way of using denim. He combine them with romantic style. Sandy brown denim jacket was torn apart, but combined with silk chiffon skirt is soft. Then still more softened by the use of pearls that gave the impression of luxury and elegance. That's the eclectic style which, according to the thinkers of postmodernism to be one characteristic of society in this era of advanced capitalism.

In the real world, here again participate denim also on the rise. The variation of the model is very diverse, ranging from a variety of color, classic style, a sequined, until the color faded created partly by the sharp contrast. The model continues to change-baggy, widened at the end of the pipe down, tightly wrap the foot, as long pants, trousers three quarters, up to hotpants. Which is now in vogue is a hipster, denim pants worn at the hip. Whatever the variation is done, but the denim in indigo blue color was always associated as casual wear.
Not only the appearance, comfort of wear is greatly increased by the discovery of Lycra fibers. The price is so reasonable, ranging from Rp 120,000 per pair, while a pair of jeans from international designers at the official store price starting from 200 U.S. dollars. In other words, denim as a generic product can be called as the most egalitarian clothes because all people want to wear and can wear. However, when in it was into the designers of the intervention, then the price and status differentiation ensued. That's the power of an image of the product. He will control the audience to follow the rules that he set.

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